Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
I was the Principal Investigator for a HCI research group led by Dr. Craig Miller at DePaul University. We are investigating the use of Collaborative Technology to support student learning in an introductory programming course at DePaul University (CSC 241). Interviews were conducted with students to discuss benefits and drawbacks of the use of the technology in the course and other potential obstacles. These interviews were combined with anonymous end of course surveys and then reviewed with a code book. Results were used to produce a modified framework from Jeong and Hmelo-Silvers 2016 paper. Final results of this research will be used to produce a framework that educators from any domain can use to see if their collaborative group assignments or projects are effective or not.
Notional Machines
I have created a small writing sample below that displays a notional machine I used during my time as a TA at DePaul University.